Yoga Friends Connect
Yoga Friends Connect is a podcast with two hosts: KC Chapman and Lori Lindgren. KC and Lori are friends that met 20 years ago, when they were both in their early days of teaching yoga. Their lives have intertwined through attending various yoga trainings, teaching at the same studios, and having their personal practice evolve in similar ways. After many conversations about yoga over the years, they thought, "we ought to record these talks and start a podcast!" In Yoga Friends Connect, KC and Lori discuss their journey, share their insights, and interview their friends. Whether you are new to practicing yoga or been teaching since you were a teenager, you will get tips and inspiration from Yoga Friends Connect. KC and Lori offer their personal stories about what it's like to walk the path of yoga. The path may not always be easy, but having yoga friends make the path fun, and they invite you to walk it with them! You can connect with Lori at her website: and learn about KC and her work at:
Yoga Friends Connect
Modifications for hot yoga, special spices, and nauli kriya facts
Join KC and Lori to get down to the details of how they modify and adapt the hot yoga 26/2 practice. They discuss how the yoga poses have changed for them over the years, how they feel in the poses, and how they do the poses differently. These friends talk about the poses they like, dislike, how they don't want to "scrunch themselves into a little ball" anymore in yoga poses, and get down to the truth about Nauli Kriya. The episode begins with KC leading an opening centering and concludes with Lori offering guided movement. You can find out more about KC at: and Lori at: